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Trains from Pallanza-Intra-Suna to L’Aquila

Find prices and schedules for trains from Pallanza-Intra-Suna to L’Aquila and buy your train tickets

Next trains leaving today, Sat 19 Sep

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Trains Pallanza-Intra-Suna L’Aquila

1 day and tickets from 6 €: a train journey from Pallanza-Intra-Suna a L’Aquila is cheap and comfortable. You can count on 46 daily rides to get from Pallanza-Intra-Suna to L’Aquila: trains leave every 20 minutes on average. Trains leave from Laveno-Mombello and arrive at Milano Centrale and L'Aquila and Roma Tiburtina. The railway company you will travel with is Trenitalia.

Prices and trains schedules from Pallanza-Intra-Suna to L’Aquila