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How to get from Turin to Olbia

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How to get from Turin to Olbia

Travel from Turin to Olbia and discover this Sardegna city of 43.000 inhabitants. The distance from Turin to Olbia is 779 kilometers; with Wanderio you can compare the available flights to get from Turin to Olbia, so that you can organize your trip choosing the fastest route, the most comfortable or the cheapest one. You can choose among different choices and organize your trip according to your needs, depending on whether you are looking for the fastest, the most comfortable or perhaps the cheapest travel solution. For example, by choosing a flight from Turin to Olbia, you’ll get to your destination in about 13 hours on average; flight ticket prices start from 217 €.

To get to Olbia from Turin you can take a flight from Turin Airport, which is the closest airport to Turin, and arrive at Olbia - Costa Smeralda Airport, the airport the best serves Olbia. The average price for a Turin to Olbia flight is 342€, but you can find low cost flights as well, with prices starting from 217€. Getting from Turin to Olbia by flight takes about 13 hours on average; however, you need to consider the time to get to the airport and pass the security checks. You can count on 15 daily connections between Turin and Olbia provided by Air Italy. Olbia - Costa Smeralda Airport is the closest airport to Olbia and is 4.1 kilometers away from the city center; you can get to Olbia in 6 minutes thanks to airport shuttles from Olbia - Costa Smeralda Airport to Olbia.

How can I get from Turin to Olbia?
You can get from Turin to Olbia by flight.

What is the cheapest way to get from Turin to Olbia?
The cheapest way to travel from Turin to Olbia is by flight. Choosing this travel solution you can find tickets as low as 217€ and you'll get to Olbia in about 13 hours.

What is the fastest way to get from Turin to Olbia?
The fastest way to get from Turin to Olbia is by flight: the ticket prices start from 217€ and it will take around about 13 hours.

How far is it from Turin to Olbia?
The distance between Turin and Olbia is 779 kilometers.

How long does it take to travel from Turin to Olbia?
The trip from Turin to Olbia takes about 13 hours.

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